
Strong alliance continues! China Railway First Engineering Bureau’s Panxing Railway Tunnel reinforcement acceptance is excellent, and the cooperation is deepening

Grouting products

In March 2023, our company won the bid for thousands of tons of grouting materials for the second lining of Panxing Railway Tunnel of China Railway First Bureau. Through year-round supply, we completed the quantity agreed in the contract.

On May 28, 2024, a sampling inspection was conducted on the latest batch of goods. The inspection was open, fair and transparent. Mr. Wang from the owner, Mr. Wu from the purchaser, Mr. Lei from the laboratory, and our staff were all present. Both inspections met the technical index requirements. The construction party expressed its recognition of our products and the next step of procurement needs. The contract quantity is still under further discussion.

Panxing Railway Project

Panxing Railway is the last project in Guizhou Province to achieve “high-speed rail in every city” and is a national “13th Five-Year Plan” comprehensive transportation planning project. It starts from Panzhou Station of Shanghai-Kunming High-speed Railway in the north and ends at Xingyi South Station. The total length of the line is about 98.309 kilometers, with a designed driving speed of 250 kilometers per hour. The total investment of the project is 13.54 billion yuan. Passing places: from north to south, through Danxia Town, Xiangshui Town, Baotian Town in Panzhou City and Qingshuihe Town, Maling Town, Jushan Street Office, Fengdu Street Office and Xingyi Wanfenglin Airport in Xingyi City, ending at Xingyi South Station. Baotian Station and Xingyi South Station will be newly built along the entire line, and Panzhou Station will be rebuilt. 36 kilometers in Xingyi. The early start section of the project will start construction in Xingyi in 2018, and the entire line will start construction in 2021.

After the Panxing Railway is expected to be completed and opened to traffic at the end of 2025, “Qianxinan Prefecture will be fully integrated into the national high-speed rail network through the Shanghai-Kunming High-speed Railway, and Guiyang to Xingyi will be reachable within 2 hours.”

Quality Standard

(1) The grouting materials used for grouting behind the tunnel lining should meet the design requirements.

Number of inspections: The construction unit shall inspect each batch once; the supervision unit shall conduct witness inspection at 10% of the construction unit’s random inspection times, but at least once.

Inspection method: The construction unit conducts grouting material performance test; the supervision unit checks the test report and witnesses the inspection.

(2) The slurry mix ratio should meet the design requirements.

Number of inspections: The construction unit shall inspect once for every 100 m2; the supervision unit shall inspect according to the construction unit.

Inspection method: The construction unit conducts the mix ratio selection test. The supervision unit witnesses the mix ratio selection test or conducts parallel inspection and checks and confirms the mix ratio selection sheet.

(3) The RPC grouting pipe should meet the design requirements.

Inspection quantity: 1 RPC tube is retained for every 20 boards. The construction unit shall inspect all of them, and the supervision unit shall witness the inspection according to 20% of the inspection quantity of the construction unit.

Inspection method: The construction unit conducts compression and flexural tests, and the supervision unit witnesses the tests.

(4) The grouting liquid for vault grouting should meet the design requirements.

Inspection quantity: 3 sets of mortar compression test pieces are retained for each board. 2 RPC grouting pipes are retained for every 20 boards to test the compression and flexural strength. The construction unit shall conduct a full inspection, and the supervision unit shall witness the inspection according to 20% of the inspection quantity of the construction unit.

Inspection method: The construction unit conducts compression test and the supervision unit witnesses the test.

(5) The grouting effect should meet the design requirements.

Number of inspections: The construction unit and the supervision unit shall inspect each grouting section once.

Inspection method: Use geological radar or ultrasonic method for inspection together with lining. When conducting core drilling, water (air) and other inspections, each section should have no less than 5 points from the arch to the side walls on both sides, and the inspection shall be witnessed by the supervision unit.

Product Enquiry